"I want to plant some object in the world. Now, it happens to be made of signs, which may lead people to think, because it's made of signs, that it's pointing somewhere. But actually I've gone down the road and collected all sorts of highway signs and made a piece of sculpture out of these things that says Chicago, 35,000 miles. What I hope, of course, is that people will come along, gather in front of the sculpture, and just look at it -- consequently forgetting Chicago."

-- William Gass

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

By the way:

chiaroscuro |kēˌärəˈsk(y)oŏrō; kēˌarə-|
the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.
• an effect of contrasted light and shadow created by light falling unevenly or from a particular direction on something : the chiaroscuro of cobbled streets.

Chiaroscuro, anyone? Emotional or moral?

Today: "...its nasty central character — the family matriarch Audrey Litvinoff — lacks the emotional development and moral chiaroscuro that made the equally nasty hero of “Everything You Know” such a compelling creation."

Sounds sort of familiar, Michiko.

  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Although this novel shares some themes with Alice ... none of the psychological acuity or emotional chiaroscuro of that earlier book. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: October 6, 2008 ... As a result, the moral chiaroscuro and nuanced ambiguities that distinguished his cold war novels give ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: Friday, December 12, 2003 ... it lacks the emotional chiaroscuro and effortless pacing of this author's best short stories ...
  • Byline: By MICHIKO KAKUTANI .... The rest of the characters in "Songs in Ordinary Time" also lack the emotional chiaroscuro that Ms. Morris has lavished on ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: October 9, 2007. THE ALMOST MOON ... none of the psychological acuity or emotional chiaroscuro of that earlier book. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: December 7, 1993 ... smells and moods are all beautifully conjured, then painted over lightly with a chiaroscuro of menace. ...
  • Writing in The Times, Michiko Kakutani called the book ''a remarkably supple novel that gleams with the smoky chiaroscuro of familial love recalled through ...
  • By Michiko Kakutani. Published: Wednesday, August 27, 1986 ... Indeed, Roger seems almost irretrievably sunk in the dark chiaroscuro of middle age - he ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: Wednesday, March 30, 1988 .... thriller and shaded here and there with the chiaroscuro of deeper and more ambitious fiction. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: Tuesday, September 14, 1993 ... from the lyrically described world of Hawaii rendered in a shimmering chiaroscuro of soft , ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: May 17, 1996 ... they gather resonance and chiaroscuro, immersing the reader in an imaginative world that's located ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: October 9, 2007 ... this volume demonstrates none of the psychological acuity or emotional chiaroscuro of that earlier book. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: August 27, 1986. ROGER'S VERSION. ... Indeed, Roger seems almost irretrievably sunk in the dark chiaroscuro of middle age ...
  • Byline: By Michiko Kakutani Lead: SISTER AGE. By M.F.K. Fisher. ... and the portraits of people and places possess the subtlety of fine chiaroscuro. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: November 2, 2001. FALLING ANGELS ... ''Girl'' was subtle; obvious and shallow where ''Girl'' was luminous with chiaroscuro. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. The hero of John le Carré’s clunky new novel, ... with none of the nuance or chiaroscuro that distinguished his cold war Smiley novels. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: December 12, 2003. OLD SCHOOL ... but it lacks the emotional chiaroscuro and effortless pacing of this author's best short ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Skip to next paragraph ... As a result, the moral chiaroscuro and nuanced ambiguities that distinguished his cold war novels give way, ...
  • Last year The Times's Michiko Kakutani said the symbolism in the novel is ... on a pleasing emotional chiaroscuro, a deepening and darkening of ambition.'' ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: July 13, 1988 ... Nancy, ratifies that portrait while at the same time giving it an added depth and chiaroscuro. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: March 30, 1988 ... late-night thriller and shaded here and there with the chiaroscuro of deeper and more ambitious fiction. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: February 26, 2002 ... made for fiction with a new depth and emotional chiaroscuro: fiction that demonstrated the author's ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: March 27, 1998. THE PAGE TURNER ... ''Arkansas,' ' eschewed the rich emotional chiaroscuro of his earlier work to focus, ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: March 28, 1989 ... but while it lacks the compassion and emotional chiaroscuro of his last book (''The Old Devils''), ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Skip to next paragraph .... Indeed, “The Other” lacks the emotional chiaroscuro and genuine tragedy of “Snow Falling on Cedars,” and ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: January 13, 1989 ... lends this story a delicate emotional chiaroscuro, there's something self-conscious and willfully ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: February 25, 1987. LEAD: THE OLD DEVILS. ... Devils'' possesses a depth and emotional chiaroscuro new to Mr. Amis's work. ...
  • By MICHIKO KAKUTANI. Published: May 9, 1987 ... chapters later, takes on an even deeper chiaroscuro when it is related again from the point of view of ...
Well, you get the idea. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Full results of the search are here.